You are here: Metcash Integration > Configuring and using the Metcash Integration

Configuring and using the Metcash Integration


There are steps in the Metcash Integration configuration where an Initial Host File will need to be downloaded from Metcash.

Once the Initial Host File has been downloaded from Metcash, each Department in Idealpos will need to be linked to a Metcash Department, Metcash Category, Metcash Commodity and Metcash Sub-Commodity.

When the Metcash Integration is enabled, any Departments that are created or modified must have the Metcash Department, Category, Commodity and Sub-Commodities populated for the Department being created or modifed.

If the Metcash mapping fields are not populated when creating or modifying a Department, Idealpos will block that Department from being created/modified and the Department will only be saved once those Metcash mapping details have been populated.

Details about this process are outlined in the steps on this page further below.



The process outlined below should be completed on a Back Office Terminal that has a widescreen resolution of at least 1920x1080.

A widescreen resolution is strongly recommended as the Metcash Product Linking process involves linking and reviewing the linkage between Idealpos Stock Items and Metcash Products which are displayed next to each other in a grid format.

This process therefore requires a widescreen monitor resolution to view the Stock Item/Product data onscreen.

Completing this process on a lower resolution monitor will result in the inability to link Idealpos Stock Items to Metcash Products.


Before configuring the Metcash Integration, ensure that Metcash has supplied you with the required information and credentials to configure this integration.

The following is a list of the required information that should have been supplied by Metcash - if unsure, contact Metcash and request the required information before configuring this integration:


The following details are required for configuring Global Options > Interfaces > Metcash


The following details are required for configuring POS Terminal > Import/Export > Metcash Retail Web Services


The following details are required for configuring POS Terminal > Import/Export > IBA Interface (if site is a Liquor Retailer)


The steps required to configure and enable the Metcash Integration are outlined as follows: